According to court documents, Twitter, which has been struggling since Elon Musk took over, owes three months’ worth of rent to its landlord in Boulder.
The judge has approved the landlord’s request to evict the tech giant from its office due to non-payment of rent.
There have been reports of unpaid bills from Twitter, but failing to pay rent for months suggests that Twitter’s operations may be in worse shape than initially thought.
The landlord, Lot 2 SBO LLC, was provided a $968,000 letter of credit in February 2020, which they have been using to pay rent.
However, the money ran out in March, and Twitter has not paid rent since.
The landlord filed a case in May, and the judge ordered the sheriff to evict Twitter before the end of July.
At its peak, 300 employees worked in Twitter’s Boulder offices, but due to layoffs, firings, and resignations, the number is likely to be less than half of that now.
The case number is 2023CV30342 in Boulder District Court, and a separate case has appeared in which a cleaning company is seeking unpaid fees from Twitter.
TechCrunch confirmed the legal records, but the Sheriff’s office declined to comment until the matters were concluded.
Source: Techcrunch
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