The Ikorodu Bois, a Nigerian comedy group made up of young boys, have done it again with their unique style of remaking iconic advertisements using everyday household items. This time they recreated the “No Limits” advertisement for Dano Milk that encourages people to never give up on their dreams no matter the obstacles they face.
The original Dano Milk advertisement shows three main characters. A young girl flying a paper plane and imagining herself becoming a pilot, an entrepreneur manufacturing shoes during powercuts and a father working late into the night on his daughter’s birthday. By the end of the advert the three achieve their dreams, the little girl grows up to be a pilot, the entrepreneur becomes successful and the father makes it home in time for his daughter’s birthday.
The Ikorodu Bois remake follows a similar storyline but uses their commonalities of acting out scenes with inexpensive props like water bottles and cardboard cutouts.
The Ikorodu Bois have become social media sensations for their low-budget yet creative recreations of Hollywood movie trailers and music videos. They shoot their remakes using a smartphone in their neighborhood of Ikorodu, Lagos. What began as a way to entertain themselves during the COVID-19 lockdown has blossomed into an online phenomenon.
Their remake of the “No Limits” Dano Milk advert shows their talent for interpreting the spirit and message behind an advertisement using the most basic of props. Despite having few resources, the boys depict the ad’s core themes of perseverance in the face of obstacles and never giving up on one’s dreams.
The Ikorodu Bois continue to demonstrate that with creativity and determination, anything is possible. Their remakes remind us that quality is not defined by budgets or resources, but by the original ideas and passion behind a piece of work.
You can watch their remake here